The Complete Smartwork Book PDF Collection

Get all three Smartwork retriever training titles at a discounted price!


by Evan Graham

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Smartwork for Retrievers Volume I: Basics and Transition Chapters

  1. Fundamental Training Principles
  2. Correct Principles of Application
  3. Starter Program for Puppies
  4. Basics: An Overview with Flow Chart for Development
  5. Obedience (Formalizing)
  6. Force Fetch
  7. Pile Work
  8. Handling / 3-Handed Casting
  9. Establishing the Mechanics of Tee Work
  10. "Teaching" Triples, and Extending Patterns
  11. 3rd Compound Stage
    1. Double Tee
    2. Extended Pattern Distances
    3. Diversion Marks
  12. 4th Compound Stage
    1. Water Tee / Swim By
    2. Multiple Marks
  13. Cold Blind Transition -- Land
  14. Cold Blind Transition -- Water
  15. Critical Elements of Marking, Diversion Pressure
  16. Water Marks
  17. Diversion Pressure

Glossary of Terms
About the Author


Smartwork for Retrievers Volume II: Secrets of the Pros Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. Finishing the Transition
  3. Late Transition/Marking
  4. Bird Placement
  5. Advanced Diversions
  6. Land Blinds
  7. Water Blinds
  8. Handler Tips & Attrition
  9. Tips for Testing
  10. Troubleshooting
  11. Special Prep for the Field
  12. Maintenance

About the Author


SmartFetch Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. "Heel, Sit, and Here"
  3. Force Fetching
  4. "Fetch" Compulsion Begins
  5. Collar Conditioning
  6. Force to Pile
  7. When Things Don't Go Like the Books & Videos Say They Should Go!
  8. Water Force
  9. What Good is All That Forcing, Anyway?


The Complete Smartwork Book PDF Collection

All three Smartwork retriever training titles.

Smartwork Volume I: Basics and Transition features detailed, easy-to-follow instructions for retriever training, ranging from puppies through basics and early-to-mid transition. Illustrated by the author, this unique training text is designed for your use: It is spiral bound so you can leave it open to the section or diagram you are working on without breaking down the binding. Laminated covers help protect it from the elements. There are "Notes" pages with each diagram to help you track your dog's progress. Also included is a comprehensive glossary to help get acquainted with the language of dog training. 188 pages.

Smartwork Volume II: Secrets of the Pros lets you finish your retriever the ways the pros do it by covering late transition through advanced training, helping you transform your "basically-trained dog" into a "fully-trained dog." It also includes tips on maintaining your dog's performance over his lifetime, and field applications to help your dog relate his training to real-life hunting situations, hunt tests, field trial preparation, plus troubleshooting the fully trained retriever. Everything you always wanted to know about dog training but were afraid to ask! 236 pages.

SmartFetch is Graham's groundbreaking book that examines the history of force-fetching dogs and its goals and purposes while laying a solid foundation for a fully-trained dog. All obedience issues associated with it are fully explained, plus all phases of the program, from the teaching of "hold" all the way to Water Force. No book has ever been so complete in its discussion about, and instruction for, doing it yourself. 120 pages.


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Marc B.

"A concise, easy to read, informative manual with all the information and illustrations you need at your finger tips. Very user friendly!"

Beth K.

"Easy to read and follow. Explains things in a great way. Would definitely recommend!"

Rufus B.

"Covers everything from start to finish in training plus problems that every trainer runs into. Easy to read and very informative."

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About Smartwork

Smartwork is a system I developed over 30 years and is presented in a multimedia format to provide the premier learning tool for aspiring trainers. The three books, Smartwork for Retrievers Volume I: Basics and TransitionSmartwork Volume II: Secrets of the Pros; and SmartFetch constitute the full system.

However, to allow ease of learning and a fuller understanding of the material, we provide a growing collection of video modules of the system.

Each video module offers the most detailed and graphically illustrated explanation of the steps of development for your retriever available anywhere!

We include all the sequential steps and tips you'll need to do your own training with your dog and develop him or her to the highest level you desire.

In addition, in future video productions we will be presenting even more instruction beyond that which is contained in our books. Handling, marking, practical hunting applications, and competition-based instruction are all proposed for future productions.

The cost of each item has been kept at an affordable level to allow you to expand your library of information at your own pace while giving you the information you need to enjoy the pride of having done it yourself! This will continue to be our commitment to you.

NOTE: Because it is important to me that my system is presented as it is intended to be used, we shoot all our own video and do all our own editing and video production.

No non-dog trainers participated in the production process, and that has allowed each presentation to be geared toward the trainer exclusively. No aspect of our information has been watered down, modified, or omitted because of production concerns.

Every effort has been made to assure that this program is enjoyable to watch while sparing no effort to provide extensively detailed instruction.

--Evan Graham

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